Outlier is the teams newest 1lb bot and is the end result of trying out a bunch of new stuff and new ideas.
Going into the design the core goals were:
1. Build a 1lb electric lifter that’s competitive
2. All brushless (this goal came in after initial concepts used some brushed parts)
3. Run 4s lipo effectively
4. Test viability of TPU lifter arms
5. Try new wheel construction methods
CAD from the early concept stages through the design that was made
Over the course of a few design revisions and a few product releases the bot went from a semi-direct brushless drive, brushed lifter with all of the components integrated into a single chassis to an all brushless lifter with replaceable weapon modules and indirect brushless drive.
Key components in Outlier:
Drive/Lifter: Repeat Robotics Repeat Mini Mk3’s (prototype HR gearbox for the lifter)
ESCs: Repeat Brushless Drive ESC for drive, Repeat AM32 Drive ESC for the lifter
Battery: 2x 2s 250mAh lipos from Palm Beach Bots
Power Switch: FingerTech Mini Power Switch
Weapon Module Structure: Custom Printed by Team Malice
BEC: iFLIGHT 3S to 6S Micro 5V 3A BEC
In addition to the above, the chassis, forks, and plow on outlier were made from 0.050″ laser cut 4130 steel from SendCutSend, the baseplate was 1mm carbon fiber, and there were a lot of PLA+ and TPU parts printed in house.
Assorted photos from the build including test fits and some adhesive testing
Test install of the drive wheels & weapon module
With that done and the event rapidly approaching a lot of things happened off camera with the end result being a working 1lb robot.
Outlier is a pretty dense little bot and was probably one of the more challenging wiring jobs I’ve done.

So, how’d the event go?

The good:
The drive power was insane, even with the fairly grippy silicone it was easy to spin the tires.
The chassis and drive mounting held up great, even with some major hits repairs were easy.
The TPU lifter arms took crazy hits without any trouble.
The PLA+ – TPU – Silicone wheel combo held together well even when taking some nasty hits
The bad:
The D shaft I was using had a very small flat, so between the Delrin gear and printed TPU adapter it was struggling to transfer torque, so the lifter often struggled to lift.
Changing configurations took longer than I’d like which meant I ran a config that wasn’t well suited to my opponent and took some massive damage to the weapon module & plow during the fight
After a few fights in close succession the printed PLA+ motor guards deformed, jamming the drive motors in the final, luckily late enough that it didn’t cost Outlier the match.
So, what’s next?
1. New homemade titanium D shaft for the lifter module
2. Modified, lighter, 1095 steel plow design that will allow weight for wheel guards so changeover time is reduced between configs
3. Explore additional wheel configurations
4. Connectorized weapon motor to allow easy swapping of entire weapon module